Welcome to my World
Step into my parlour folks. Allow me to mesmerize you by spinning a delicate web of words around you. Let me enamour you by the immense power of bare words. Far away from the mundane monotony of everyday life, I wish to open a gateway to a pristine, primeval world. A world where simple pleasures of life will be treasured and cherished. I wish to be the prima donna of such a world, in which I don't have to play second fiddle to anyone. Dreams are the silken threads of hope to which we hold on. Never loosen this tenuous grip lest it deprive you of that litle bit of optimism that is still keeping you afloat in this deep sea of bitterness, grief and helplessness,
so long for today,
Keep the faith
so long for today,
Keep the faith
At August 30, 2004 6:23 AM,
Shrikrishna said…
Why does the thought of 'not playing second fiddle' so thrilling? The cause is easy to infer: We play second fiddle otherwise. Do we really? If we do, is it by choice or out of compulsion?
Perhaps, there is no straight answer. We end up playing second fiddle because we are afraid of taking bull with horns. "The problem as you adequately put, is that of choice", remarks architect to Neo in Matrix Reloaded.
But people here (who presumable don't live in Matrix), seem to have forgotten the fact that they have freedom to choose. One has to cease the moment. Doing nothing comes by default (literally). And "sincere" and "capable" defaulters end up playing second fiddles.
FREE your mind ... Free as in freedom ;-)
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