I was just pondering right now, why do we try to impress others. What is it about the human ego that makes us project an exaggerated image of ourself to the world. For that matter why do we care to project any image at all. Firstly I think we are all overtly self concious, just like a peackock preening itself. Caught yourself looking into the mirror even as you are talking to a friend or adjusting , that could tell you how much of a narcissist you are. No I am not condemning it. Really it is a very normal thing to do. We all like being observed, and mind you even the most quiet, placid and simple individual is capable of feeling very strongly about this. Nobody likes to be ignored. In the quest to be taken heed of, we often end up doing extradorinary things- sometimes incredibly foolish at others really heroic stuff. Each of us is gifted in a special way and I think the realization is very much alive within each of us. It is then quite natural that we should like to flaunt what we think we possess. Perhaps what is really of concern is that whether it is a deliberate act or a natural consequence of just being the way we are. If the former then I guess it might be prudent to take heed, however if it is the latter, I think you might just allow yourself to flow, for this is the celebration of life. Keep the faith, Nandini
At March 26, 2006 10:45 AM,
whats_in_name said…
i felt this many times and reasoned to myself that its law of nature. we being "social" as well as "animal" makes us both natural and delibrate.
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