The Many Hues of Friendship
Friendship is one of the most precious jewels studding the diadem of humanity. Faith , trust , and honesty are probably the three cornerstones upon which the foundation of friendship is built. Deception , treachery and betrayal are the bejewelled daggers that stab the heart of a true friend. Thoughtlessness and Indifference are the poisons that can nip a budding friendship even before it blooms . Jealousy and Ego are the insidous serpents that turn one friend against another. Friendship is never easy. Friendship can be cruelly heartbreaking at times, and be pleasurably rewarding at others. Friendship does not mean taking someone for granted, on the contrary it involves understanding each other to such a great extent that words are no longer required to convey one's feeling to the other. Friendship involves acceptance. Friends do not try to change each other, they accept each other for what they are , blemishes and flaws nothwitstanding. Friendship is like a tenuous silken thread that binds people , a delicate bond that demands careful handling since once a the thread gets knotted, even after careful efforts to disentangle it, the bond never truly remains as beautiful. At times friendship entails sacrifice and pain. But distance and time do little to diminish the intensity of true friendship. Finding Friendhship is almost akin to finding true love, and I do feel that once you find your true friends you should never let them go, and let them know how much you value them.
At March 06, 2007 4:14 AM,
Robert said…
Excellent...U have defined friendship in such a beautiful way..i was awestruck for few seconds...liked ur post and keep posting such things...ur post has got a tender and warm feeling of friendship along with loads of affection :)
At March 16, 2007 10:02 PM,
Unknown said…
tippi tippi tap
what color u want
i want the color of frndship :P
At November 10, 2008 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this.
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