Unspoken Words
"The words that hurt the most are the words left unsaid". But "Silence is golden" after all, especially so when words have the power to wreak. How does one know then when to speak up and when to hold ones peace? There are so many times when if you do not speak out at the right moment, it might be too late to undo the damage that has been done. It is human nature to misunderstand and assume. It is the simple misunderstandings which sow the seeds of rifts between human hearts. We chose to keep quiet many times thinking that what we might say will cause unnecessary pain and sorrow to people close to us. We keep waiting for an opportune moment to broach unpleasant subjects, but as time passes it becomes increasingly uncomfortable and difficult to confront topics which slowly get relegated to the backburner but nevertheless have enough spark to cause quite a conflagration later on. Little do we realize that even though we may not speak out our feelings, the unspoken thoughts can poison our minds and subtly the change the way we behave towards the other person. There are times when we wish to reach out to someone we care about, but dare not do so for the fear of how our behaviour towards that person will expose us or that person to public scrutiny. It might be argued here that if you really care enough about the person and vice versa, public scrutiny should be the least of your concern, but the truth is society has its way of insiduously influencing your thoughts and action at the subconcious level. At other times we are stopped by false feelings of prejudice and ego issues. Whatever be the considerations guiding our decision not to speak out about something we feel strongly about, the net result is that once we lose the golden opportunity to take the bull by its horns, it is often to late to return back and make amends and expect things will remain unchanged. I am not advocating impulsive and rash confrontations, which I feel are best avoided. Chances are that they will cause more harm than good. Sometime it is best to let both parties cool down before they can be sensitive to each others point of views since angry people make horribly illogical arguments. The trick is therefore to find the right timing to iron out the creases in a any relationship. Patience , understanding and good judgement go a long way in conflict management. How and when we chose to address something which is disturbing our peace of mind is left to each ones individual discretion since we all cope very differently, but one fact holds true for all of us, that our unspoken feelings of jealousy, hatred, fear, anger , love, concern, disappointment, frustration can undermine our relationships if we do not vent them out eventually, and can cause us to lose out on precious memories.
At January 21, 2008 7:14 PM,
Unknown said…
Well, i have nothing to say or add but just wanted to be the first person to post a comment .....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Given that i suffer from the same syndrome and always err on the conservative side than firing salvos, i understand what ur talking abt.
Like they say : " Its a pity that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their impact on us when it clearly should be the other way around"
At January 26, 2008 11:52 AM,
Incognito Princess said…
@Mandeep - Yay the pleasure is mutual :P
Well I have actually taken both approaches on different occaisions
and must say its a double edged sword. You mature with experience with people somewhat and adapt your behaviour based on their past reactions if you care enough about them, else you probably just become indifferent. Many times at the spur of the moment you might say cruel words which later on cool
contemplation appear really unnecessary and unprovoked.
We always tend to be less critical of our selves than others.. its basic human nature
At April 30, 2010 6:32 PM,
Unknown said…
Thats quiet a subject you have chosen. I usually try not to give out a peice of my mind at the spur of the moment. And yeah, by 'try' I do mean that I fail sometimes, and the results in those cases are always undesirable ones.
At the risk of sounding devious, I believe that it does not always serve a purpose to air your opinion. At a subconscious level you are trying to coax the other person into believing what you believe, and that never works out.
This is going to sound really cold, but the best thing you can do is to adopt a machiavellian attitude. Think about the end you want to acheive, and if what you are going to say will trigger a chain of events leading to that outcome. If there is no outcome to acheive, there is no point triggering a chain of events by saying anything.
I will end with a disclaimer though, that I find it difficult to stick to my own policy. If I could, I will probably stop getting drawn into unnecessary debates, which sometimes have run nightlong for me, with office the next day. Undesirable outcomes :P.
Anyway, it was fun reading your blog. But, it seems you have stopped writing. All caught up in life, eh?
At May 25, 2010 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why no posts here, Nandini? Why the radio-silence (so to speak)??
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